Tuesday, August 20, 2024

CDC Updates | Increased Parvovirus B19 Activity in U.S. - 8/20/2024

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CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC 24/7: Saving Lives, Protecting People
August 20, 2024
This message includes updates on respiratory viruses from CDC.
boy with red checks

Increase in Parvovirus B19 Activity in the United States    

Parvovirus B19 is a respiratory virus that is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Infection usually causes no symptoms or mild illness, such as flu-like symptoms, rash, and joint pain. However, it can cause serious complications for high-risk groups.
CDC issued a Health Alert in August 2024 to notify healthcare providers, public health authorities, and the public about the increases in parvovirus B19 activity in the United States.
People who are pregnant, have a weakened immune system, or have certain blood disorders (such as sickle cell disease), should talk to their healthcare provider if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms or might have been exposed to someone with parvovirus B19. There are also steps you can take to prevent the spread of parvovirus B19 and other respiratory viruses.
kids walking down school hall

Back to School and Respiratory Viruses

It’s back to school season! As you get back into your school routine, it is important to remember that there are things you can do to protect your child and your family from respiratory viruses.


CDC’s Respiratory Virus Guidance provides practical recommendations and information to help lower the risk of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV.

As a parent or caregiver you also play an important role in helping your child have a healthy place to learn. There are actions you can take to help your child’s school stop the spread of germs.


We hope everyone has a healthy start to the school year!

woman sneezing into tissue

Respiratory Virus Data Channel Weekly Snapshot     

The Respiratory Virus Weekly Snapshot provides an update on COVID-19, flu, and RSV activity nationally and in your state. Check back every Friday for the latest data.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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CDC Updates | New In-Season Estimates of COVID-19 and RSV - 1/7/2025

This message includes updates on respiratory viruses from CDC. Received this email from a friend? Sign up now View this email in your web br...