Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Supervisor Dan Storck

Yesterday, Governor Northam announced more aggressive containment and social distancing efforts in the fight against COVID-19 including prohibiting gatherings of 10 or morepersons, cessation of K-12 in-person instruction at all public/private schools for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, closure of all in-seating food/beverage establishments while permitting delivery and take-out services and closing most recreation, entertainment, fitness and personal services businesses. Essential retail businesses may remain open during their normal business hours. This evening, on a conference call with the Governor and Secretaries of Public Safety, Finance and Health and Human Resources, heightened concerns were also voiced about this being not only a health crisis, but an economic crisis and the multiplying risks and hardships facing our residents and communities.
Yesterday Chairman Jeff McKay sent a letter to President Trump, along with other leaders in our region, requesting the National Capital Region be added as a priority location for federal-supported COVID-19 testing. We are working with our local partners, like Inova, on ways to expand this capacity. Prioritizing Fairfax County as a member of the National Capital Region for increased testing is another way to achieve this.
Over the weekend, I received messages from both INOVA Health System and Dominion Energy as to the steps they are taking to help those in our community. I am sharing those messages below.
In an effort to streamline these communications, messages about COVID-19, County and community resources and other previously shared information can be found on my website. Only new or updated messages and information will be shared in future communications. Please encourage friends and family members who would like to sign up for this newsletter, to do so here. 
The County will remain open in order to provide the services our residents need - please conduct County business online to the extent you can. Please know my office will remain open to address your concerns, however, during this rapidly evolving situation we prefer calls and emails to personal visits.
Message from INOVA Health System

General Information on Inova's preparedness for COVID-19
All Inova hospitals and care sites are open and serving patients. The most up to date information on Inova's response to the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here. Inova's team of clinical experts is up-to-date on developments and CDC guidelines, and has developed a comprehensive response plan to maintain the safety and well-being of our community. 
What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Seek advice from your regular healthcare provider to determine if a medical evaluation is needed; 
  • If you feel it is an emergency and you cannot wait, contact a local urgent care center or emergency room. Ask for instructions regarding accessing the facility. 
  • Practice "social distancing" by avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible

Is COVID-19 testing available through Inova?
Yes, testing is available across the Inova system based on clinical criteria outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Virginia Department of Health. 
At this time Inova does not offer drive-thru screening and testing. Inova has explored drive-thru testing, however due to limited testing kits available nationwide, Inova evaluates all patients and ensures necessary testing is conducted while preserving the capability to continue sustained testing.
Critical need for blood donation
Inova is currently experiencing a shortage of blood supply and inventory is expected to continue to drop with the shortage of donors due to COVID-19. Inova Blood Donor Services has implemented extra precautions to protect donors - it is safe to give blood, and your donation will save a life. Make an appointment online or 800-BLOOD-SAVES.
Inova Health System will be suspending all in-person visitation as of Saturday, March 21, 2020 and encouraging video meetings between patients and loved ones. Understanding that a family member, caregiver or visitor may be crucial for clinical and patient care, exceptions to Inova's Visitation Guidance can be made in extenuating circumstances. More information on the temporary visitation restrictions may be found here.
With the philosophy of trying to limit risk of exposure and spread of COVID-19 and to help our clinicians with greater flexibility to safely treat our patients, Inova has adopted a system-wide initiative that will allow patients to receive a wider range of healthcare services without having to travel to an Inova healthcare facility. Beginning Thursday, March 19, Inova will offer the option for appointments to be conducted via telemedicine (video or phone), with flexibility to meet in person if a clinician determines necessary.
How can I protect myself?
The best way to protect yourself and your community against the spread of COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed to the virus by:
  • Practicing good hand hygiene,
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the using the inside of your elbow, 
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick by practicing social distancing of six feet or more,
  • Cleaning high-touch surfaces regularly, and
  • Staying home if you feel sick.

For more information on how to protect yourself, visit www.cdc.gov or www.vdh.virginia.gov.
Message from Dominion Energy

We will not shut off your power for nonpayment.
People rely on us to meet critical needs, and they should not have to worry about losing service during this critical time. We have suspended all service disconnections as individuals, families, businesses and communities pull together to meet our collective needs. We know the communities we serve rely on us to provide an essential service. We remain committed to providing reliable energy service 24/7. 
We are reconnecting residential customers whose services were shut off.
If a your service was previously shut off for nonpayment, please contact us, and we will work with you to restore your service.
Beware of scams targeting your constituents. 
Dominion Energy does not make calls requesting immediate payment or require customers to pay with prepaid cards of any kind. For more information, please click here.
We will continue responding to emergencies.
Our employees are still hard at work. If you lose service or have an emergency, you can report it to us online via our Outage Center page or by contacting us at any time. For updates and other important information, you also can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
We are monitoring the situation carefully.
As circumstances surrounding the pandemic change, we are evaluating the measures we have put in place and carefully weighing further steps
County Government

Planning Commission hearings have been cancelled through April 1, for now. You can see what was on those agendas here.    

Staff and the County Executive are reviewing the FY 2021 budget for necessary changes. This will be discussed at the Budget Committee meeting on March 31 and a new proposal will be made available by April 7.

Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) announces that beginning Tuesday, March 24 Fairfax Connector customers will be required to enter and exit the bus using the rear doors. This does not apply to customer­­s who need to use a wheelchair ramp. Fare collection on buses will also be temporarily suspended due to the location of fareboxes and SmarTrip equipment at the front entrance of buses.  

State Announcements

Governor Northham has announced that all public and private schools will remain closed through the end of the school year. The Governor has provided additional recommendations for businesses and the community. Read more...


Federal Income Tax payment deadline extended until July 15, 2020. Read more...

The filing deadline for Virginia income tax remains the same, however the due date was extended to June 1, 2020. Please note that interest will still accrue, so taxpayers who are able to pay by the original deadlines should do soRead more...

Healthcare for Medicaid members

Governor Northam is working to increase access to healthcare for Virginia's Medicaid members and low-income households by: 
  • Eliminating all co-payments for services covered by Medicaid and Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS).
  • Ensuring current Medicaid members do not inadvertently lose coverage due to lapses in paperwork or a change in circumstances.
  • Permitting Medicaid members to obtain a 90-day supply of many routine prescriptions,
  • Waiving pre-approval requirements for many critical medical services, and enacting automatic extensions for approvals that are already in place.
  • Expanding access to telehealth services.


The Sheriff's Office is now able to suspend new eviction orders and the execution of any pending evictions through April 6. It has also notified the court that it may extend the delay in pending evictions for a longer period.


The Supreme Court of Virginia has declared a judicial emergency. All non-essential state court proceedings are suspended through April 6, 2020.

Motor Vehicles

  • All DMV offices and mobile sites are closed, but online services will remain available.
  • For those who cannot renew online, or whose license or registration expires before May 15, the DMV will grant a 60-day extension.
  • Governor Northam has directed the Virginia Department of State Police to suspend the enforcement of Motor Vehicle Safety Inspections until July 31. 

Fairfax County Park Authority

Effectively immediately, all Fairfax County Park Authority playgrounds, skate parks and restrooms will be closed until further notice. Portable restrooms will be placed near all bathrooms. Read more...
Mount Vernon District Meetings & Events Update

Based on current Health Department guidance, below is an update on local events.

  • Paul Springs @ Sherwood Hall Stream Restoration Community Meetingscheduled for March 26 has been cancelled.
  • Ides of Bark Dog Festival scheduled for March 29 has been postponed. New date to be announced.
  • Hollin Hills Historic Overlay District (HOD) Community Meeting scheduled for March 30 has been postponed.

We will continue to update you as additional meetings and events are postponed or cancelled. Events will be updated to our website calendar as changes are made.
As we have more information to share, my office and Fairfax County Government will continue to update our community.

Thank you for your support and patience as we work to manage this challenging, complex, and rapidly evolving situation. We are all in this together. Take care of yourselves, your family and neighbors, and support our local businesses where possible. Look out for those who are elderly or infirm in your neighborhoods and let our office know if there are ways you or your neighbors need help.
Respectfully yours in public service,

Dan Storck
Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518

CDC Updates | New In-Season Estimates of COVID-19 and RSV - 1/7/2025

This message includes updates on respiratory viruses from CDC. Received this email from a friend? Sign up now View this email in your web br...