Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Supervisor Dan Storck

March 20, 2020
Fellow Mount Vernon Vernon District Neighbors,

On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors met in an emergency session to approve a local Declaration of Emergency (more below). The Governor of Virginia also updated guidelines for Virginians.

There are two important points I want to note here. First, Governor Northam is recommending that those with chronic health conditions or aged 65 or older self-quarantine because of their increased risk for illness. Check in with your families and neighbors if you are able. Second, the County is working on how we can help our other vulnerable populations. Health and Human Services, for example, is working on how to help our homeless population and the Sheriff's Office is working to temporarily suspend home evictions

In addition, almost 40% of our residents speak a language other than English at home. The fluidity of our current situation has made it difficult to ensure everyone in the County is receiving the most up-to-date information. That ability shouldn't be impacted by the language you speak. That's why the County's COVID-19 website (along with every other page on the website) and the emergency blog can be translated. The County's site in particular can be translated in about 160 languages. The two pictures below show how to do that. 

The County will remain open in order to provide the services our residents need - please conduct County business online to the extent you can. Please know my office will remain open to address your concerns, however, during this rapidly evolving situation we prefer calls and emails to personal visits.

There is a lot of information below, so please read carefully.
NOTE: Only those topics that are new since my last newsletter are updated below. For information sent in previous emails:

Local Declaration of Emergency

On Tuesday, the Board approved a resolution for a local Declaration of Emergency

What does this do? This does three things primarily: 1. This declaration streamlines and expedites Fairfax County Government's access to emergency disaster funding. 2. It allows the County to use its authority to procure goods to address the emergency. 3. It serves as a reminder to the community of the severity of the situation we are dealing with. 

Anything else? This declaration is very important for small businesses. Now that our jurisdiction is officially under "emergency" status, they can apply for emergency loansfrom the Small Business Administration. Other resources for small businesses... 

Mass Gatherings and Community Events

Governor Northam told Virginians to avoid non-essential gatherings of more than 10 people, per federal guidelines. This does not include normal operations at essential services such as manufacturers, distribution centers, airports, bus and train stations, medical facilities, grocery stores, or pharmacies. County guidelines for those planning an event... 

Fairfax County Public Schools

Beginning Thursday, March 19, FCPS is expanding the grab and go food distribution sites, including pop-up locations, and several bus routes throughout the County.

All students enrolled in FCPS and other County children 18 years and under receive one meal at no-cost; and, may have additional meals at no-cost upon request. Adults may purchase breakfast and lunch meals at a cost of $2.00.

Fairfax County Government

The Board will be meeting next Tuesday with an altered agenda and in a different meeting space to accommodate social distancing guidelines. The meeting will begin at 3:30 pm on March 24 in Conference Room 11 of the Fairfax County Government Center. The Board will still vote on Administrative and Action Items. There will be no presentations or Board Matters. View the agenda...
All public hearings will be postponed except for those that require immediate attention. Those two are:
  • Public Hearing to Consider an Ordinance to Amend and Readopt Fairfax County Code Section 7-2-13 and Relocate the Polling Places for the Lorton Precinct in the Mount Vernon District and the Nottoway Precinct in the Providence District
  • Public Hearing on the Draft Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan for FY 2021 

Should you wish to testify on those two items, your options are as follow:
  • Submit written testimony via email, fax, or mail
  • Provide in-person testimony in Conference Room 6 in an appropriate, socially-distanced environment, which will be streamed to Conference Room 11
  • Submit a maximum 3-minute video testimony via email
  • All written and video testimony should be sent to:

Boards, Authorities and Commissions should postpone indefinitely any planned meetings that do not involve time-sensitive activities. BACs can only meet electronically if they are discussing the COVID-19 emergency itself, per state law.

Information on other Fairfax County Services

For the latest Health Department information on COVID-19:
  • Visit the Health Department Website and see their FAQs.
  • Sign up for text message alerts: text FFXCOVID to 888777
  • Call the Health Department: 703-267-3511

Neighborhood and Community Services provides access and referrals to both government and community-based resources for assistance with, but not limited to: food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and healthcare.
  • Call: 703-222-0880, TTY 711
  • Monday-Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm

The Sheriff's Office is no longer serving or executing evictions. Read more...


  • The Virginia Employment Commission will waive the one-week waiting period to ensure workers can receive unemployment benefits as soon as possible.
  • Virginia is enhancing eligibility for unemployment and allowing for fewer restrictions to receive unemployment insurance.
  • Employers who slow or cease operations will not be financially penalized for an increase in workers requesting unemployment benefits.


Federal Income Tax payment deadline extended until July 15, 2020. Read more...

The following County programs have been extended:

Fairfax County Animal Shelter 

The Animal Shelter is still open and facilitating pet adoptionsRead more about changes to services...

How You Can Help

Supporting local and small businesses is vital during this uncertain time. Friends and neighbors can play a vital role in helping them survive and thrive. We've compiled a few ideas that we all can do to #shoplocal and keep our friends afloat, all while continuing to follow health guidelines.
  • #ShopLocal – if possible, buy from your local grocer, store or other small business to help them survive this downturn.
  • Restaurants – Many restaurants have adjusted their business model to offer orders to go. So order take-out, get delivery (Uber Eats is free right now), or buy gift cards for future use. These small actions will go a long way to helping them keep staff and cashflow.
  • Small gyms and fitness studios — many have closed or curtailed service amid the outbreak. If you can afford to maintain your membership please consider doing so. This can help support owners and their employees and maximize the odds the business will survive the storm.
  • Look ahead - Need to buy a birthday present for the future? Now's a good time to shop for that special something even if it's months away.
  • Arts and Performances - For cancelled performances that are run by non-profit organizations, including many theatres, opera companies, symphonies, etc., it's often possible to decline the refunded ticket and instead contribute those funds to the non-profit in exchange for a tax refund. If you can't afford to donate the entire amount maybe consider a percentage. 
  • Breweries & Wineries - Get your goods to go. Most have set up ways to order and have it delivered to you or brought to your car outside. Some have even converted to making hand sanitizer! 
  • Last, if you can afford it, be generous, please tip more than usual. Every little bit helps. 
Mount Vernon District Meetings & Events Update

Based on current Health Department guidance, below is an update on local events.

  • The Mount Vernon District South County Site-Specific Plan Amendment Task Force Kick-Off meeting has been tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Gerry Hyland Center, 2nd Floor, 8350 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA, 22309. Additional information will be posted on the South County SSPA website and the County's Facebook Land Use Page shortly.
  • All remaining Teen Job Fairs (including Mount Vernon HS scheduled for March 21) are cancelled. We are hoping to have a virtual job fair online soon and will look at scheduling make up dates for late April.
  • The Document Shredding event scheduled for March 21 at the Gerry Hyland Center has been cancelled. The County will attempt to reschedule this event in the future.
  • AARP's Senior Tax Relief program has suspended services until further notice. Every year, countless seniors and disabled members of our community apply for real estate and personal property tax relief. The County will look at ways to expand this service past the usual April 1 deadline.
  • Paul Springs @ Sherwood Hall Stream Restoration Community Meetingscheduled for March 26 has been cancelled.
  • Hollin Hills Historic Overlay District (HOD) Community Meeting scheduled for March 30 has been postponed.

We will continue to update you as additional meetings and events are postponed or cancelled. Events will be updated to our website calendar as changes are made.
As we have more information to share, my office and Fairfax County Government will continue to update our community.

Thank you for your support and patience as we work to manage this challenging, complex, and rapidly evolving situation. We are all in this together. Take care of yourselves, your family and neighbors, and support our local businesses where possible. Look out for those who are elderly or infirm in your neighborhoods and let our office know if there are ways you or your neighbors need help.
Respectfully yours in public service,

Dan Storck
Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518

CDC Updates | New In-Season Estimates of COVID-19 and RSV - 1/7/2025

This message includes updates on respiratory viruses from CDC. Received this email from a friend? Sign up now View this email in your web br...