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November 16, 2020 This message includes updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. The COVID-19 Outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available. |
Wearing Masks to Control the Spread of COVID-19People age 2 and older should wear masks in public settings and when around people who don’t live in their household. Masks offer some protection to you and are also meant to protect those around you, in case you have COVID-19, but don’t know it. A mask is NOT a substitute for social distancing and should still be worn in addition to staying at least 6 feet apart from others. However, masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with other people who live in your household. |
Households Living in Close QuartersIf your household includes people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19, then all family members should act as if they are at higher risk too. Choose one or two family members who are not at a higher risk to run the essential errands. When running errands wear a mask, avoid crowds, and stay 6 feet apart from those who don’t live with you. If someone you live with becomes sick, provide a separate bedroom and bathroom for the person who is sick, if possible. If you cannot provide a separate room and bathroom, try to separate the person who is sick from other household members as much as possible. |
Attending an Event or GatheringIf you’re planning to attend an event or gathering, make sure to prepare before you go. Check with the person hosting the gathering on whether steps are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Be prepared to bring supplies to help you and others stay healthy at the gathering. You should bring masks (bring extra), hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and drinking water. While at the gathering, stay at least 6 feet apart from people who don’t live in your household; avoid self-serve food or drink options, such as buffets, salad bars, and condiment or drink stations; and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer immediately before eating food or after touching any common surfaces like hand railings, door handles, and toilets. Stay home if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, if you are waiting for COVID-19 test results or may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. |
Duration of Isolation and Precautions for Adults with COVID-19The length of time a person has immunity to COVID-19 remains under investigation. Based on what we know from other related human coronaviruses, people appear to become susceptible to reinfection around 90 days after initially being infected. For people who have recovered from COVID-19, a positive COVID-19 test without new symptoms during the 90 days after initial infection more likely represents persistent shedding of viral RNA than reinfection. If such a person remains asymptomatic (or does not have symptoms) during this 90-day period, then any re-testing will not likely provide useful information, even if the person had close contact with an infected person. |
Dining at a RestaurantBefore dining at a restaurant, call and ask if all staff are wearing masks while at work, and if options for self-parking are available. Wear masks when within 6 feet from other people or indoors; maintain a distance of 6 feet or more in any entryway, hallway, or waiting area; sit outside when possible, and choose food and drink options that are not self-serve. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds when entering and exiting the restaurant or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. |
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. |
As of November 16, 2020 In the United States, there have been 10,984,398 confirmed cases of COVID-19 detected through U.S. public health surveillance systems in 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Marianas Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands. CDC provides updated U.S. case information online daily. |