Monday, August 10, 2020

Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19

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August 10, 2020
This message includes updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. The COVID-19 Outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available.
wildfire and smoke

Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19
Wildfire smoke can irritate your lungs, cause inflammation, affect your immune system, and make you more prone to lung infections, including COVID-19. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, preparing for wildfires might be a little different this year. Know how wildfire smoke can affect you and your loved ones during the pandemic and what you can do to protect yourselves. 

cloth masks

About Masks

COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice (e.g., while shouting, chanting, or singing). To reduce the spread of COVID-19, CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Native American girl wearing a mask

Tribal Communities

The United States federal government maintains a government-to-government relationship with federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native (AI/AN) entities. The "government-to-government" relationship is based in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, Federal statutes, court decisions, and Executive Branch policies, as well as moral and ethical considerations.

desk with pen, notepad, and ipad

Businesses and Workplaces 

CDC has many resources for businesses and workplaces, including guidance to help prevent workplace exposures to COVID-19 and considerations for employees preparing for a return to the workplace.
luggage in bin on plane

How CDC Determines the Level of a Destination's COVID-19 Travel Health Notice
CDC notifies travelers and other audiences about health threats in destinations around the world through Travel Health Notices (THN). During the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC has also provided an interactive world map specifically showing COVID-19 travel recommendations by destination. This world map uses an evidence-based approach, referred to as the COVID-19 THN Risk Assessment, to evaluate the COVID-19 risk in each destination.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

As of August 10, 2020

In the United States, there have been 5,023,649 confirmed cases of COVID-19 detected through U.S. public health surveillance systems in 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Marianas Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands. 

CDC provides updated U.S. case information online daily.

CDC is working across the Department of Health and Human Services and across the U.S. government in the public health response to COVID-19. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Rd   Atlanta, GA 30329   1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)   TTY: 888-232-6348
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CDC Updates | New In-Season Estimates of COVID-19 and RSV - 1/7/2025

This message includes updates on respiratory viruses from CDC. Received this email from a friend? Sign up now View this email in your web br...